Monday, July 27, 2020

Melting ?

                                  It seems my brain is working overtime again !

                 Just so amazed that we can help so many people so easily !

Here is a canola field near Minnedosa ...  There is always a lot going on above that we often  take for granted    :)

Progress Update

    The crops in the Prairies are looking good   !  Some certainly had too much rain and had some drowned out spots with some erosion included... the high humidity and small rains since have made the crop lush but susceptible to disease.  That is harder to take care of when the fields are not passable but the airplane sprayers love times like this where they can call in their buddies from across the country and make a timely application !    Most of the grain prices are doing just fine (except the wheat ) and the Rail roads are breaking records for June and July grain movement !   The Covid is hampering somewhat but what needs to be done is still getting accomplished ...
 The crops are always writing a story and ending is often a surprise to everyone !
Will they have just the right amount of germination, nutrients, moisture and timely operations?  
Will they have a lack of damaging winds, excess moisture, diseases, hail, price drops, transportation blockages,  bin spoilage , and on and on ... 
Will they be used to help feed the World !  

Making a Difference... with your help !
  If you can contribute to the crop costs in these topsy turvy times see the address on the top right of the blog that you can help others in Africa to grow better crops too! ...