Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Those canola fields that were full of the nice yellow flowers this summer have lost their color !
As each yellow flower fell off a pod was formed and the color of the canola was green ! Next the color went to brown as the plants were swathed and left in rows to mature and dry out for harvest. Two of our farmers did get the Kernels Canola off ! Steve and Loni Marvin got theirs into the elevator already. There was 400 bushels from that 10 acre field after dockage was deducted. We priced that at $ 10.00 per bushel a couple of months ago. The price has sneaked up a little higher than that now ! Traditionally $10/ bu is a great price for canola.
Jardine Family farms also told me today that the field is harvested. It isn't in the elevator but will be later this week. We got 37 bu per acre on 20 acres at Brookdale, Manitoba. We got a really good basis on this. The basis is part of the pricing part of a canola contract. Low basis and high futures gives you lot's of money ! Once it arrives at the elevator we will look at the pricing.
It rained again today in southern Manitoba... Harvest seems to be taking a commercial break
... we'll be right back after this message ! :)