Monday, May 9, 2016


In March I was able to help out by representing the CFGB on a trip to Laos and India to visit some of the staff and projects that we are helping with through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  I am one of 2 representatives of World Relief Canada on the CFGB Board.  This trip in part was to see how some of the other 14 partners do projects and to get and share some Best Practices to be more effective than ever.  We found wonderful caring staff in both countries that are striving to help stop hunger in so many ways.   I'll just put a few pictures below.  In talking with the people we are helping we found that they are so thankful that people in North America care and are taking action to help them, We asked about their challenges and their future... They fell things will be better for their kids in the future than things are for them now... They truly have Hope because of people like you !